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Scott Crook

Scott Crook, PT Founder, Performance Physical Therapy

Scott Crook, PT, is the founder and clinic director of Performance Physical Therapy, and a partner in Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy.

Scott graduated from the University of Kentucky School of Physical Therapy and has over 27 years of experience as a physical therapist. He has worked with all levels of athletes in sports ranging from ballet to rugby, but he specializes in sports and orthopedic physical therapy and his expertise is in the rehabilitation of baseball injuries.

Scott also has extensive experience working with neck and back injuries with people of all ages. He has directed speed training camps and sports-specific performance training with an emphasis on strengthening areas to prevent injuries and improve performance.

Scott founded Performance Physical Therapy on January 3, 2011 with the support of his wife, Cindy, who is also a physical therapist.

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