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Physical Therapy Near Me.

We are a family of physical therapy and occupational therapy companies transforming healthcare by strengthening private practices, developing and educating highly effective clinicians, and lowering healthcare costs through workplace wellness and injury prevention. We are run by physical therapists and provide shared services, continuing education, professional development, mentorships, and true partnerships.

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Why Physical Therapy?

Rehabilitation person icon

Physical therapy is vital for rehabilitation, restoring mobility, strength, and function to improve quality of life.

icon of a person with back pain

Chronic pain is improved from physical therapy by restoring proper functionality, and reducing reliance on medication.

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By assessing and addressing musculoskeletal imbalances physical therapy can enhance your overall well-being.

icon of a person running

Physical therapy enhances mobility by utilizing targeted exercises and therapeutic interventions to address impairments.

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How Much Does Physical Therapy Cost?

How much does physical therapy cost?

The cost of physical therapy can vary widely depending on factors such as location, type of treatment, provider, insurance coverage, and session frequency, with prices typically ranging from $50 to $150 per session on average in the United States.

How Long Does an Appointment Last?

How Long Does an Appointment Last?

A typical physical therapy appointment usually lasts around 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the specific treatment plan and the needs of the patient.

What Happens in a Physical Therapy Session?

What happens in a PT session?

During a physical therapy session, a trained therapist assesses and treats a patient's physical condition by guiding them through exercises, stretches, manual techniques, and other interventions to improve mobility, reduce pain, and enhance overall functional ability.

What Should I Expect on My First Visit?

What should I Expect on my first visit?

During your initial appointment, a licensed physical therapist will assess your medical history, evaluate your condition, measure your physical abilities, and collaboratively create a personalized care plan, sometimes including a brief treatment and a potential home exercise regimen.

Is Physical Therapy Painful?

Is Physical Therapy Painful?

Physical therapy experiences can vary from person to person, but the overall goal is to minimize any discomfort or pain, concentrating instead on tailored exercises and techniques that enhance mobility, promote healing, and improve overall functional abilities.

How Often Will I Come to Physical Therapy?

How Often Will I Come to Physical Therapy?

The frequency of your physical therapy appointments will be determined by your individual needs, the nature and severity of your condition, as well as the treatment plan developed by your therapist, often ranging from attending sessions once or twice a week.

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